In this episode Listen In as Kristy talks about Frustration and the Travel Lifestyle. Follow along as Kristy shares Personal Stories, Truths, and Experiences from her life that I’m sure you can relate- and shares advice based on those experiences.
-Listen In – to hear how to get the best information for your travel plans.
-Hear a story that quite frankly ticked Kristy off, and you may have experienced too!
-LISTEN IN to a PRIVATE BUSINESS CONVERSTION between Kristy & and Husband Geoff (Sorry, baby Finn also makes a brief appearance!), and hear a passionate discussion on Face-to-Face Interaction. Why Does My Town Care about this particular subject so much?? Because without the Face-to Face Interaction, the True Small Town Experience- The Feeling You SHOULD get when visiting a Small Town – would not exist.
Would Love your feedback on this one! info@mytowntravels.com
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