Recently, I have been spending a lot of time with several other travel professionals who, frankly, are fed up! With what? Well, there are a number of individuals claiming to have some sort of experience in the travel industry, with absolutely nothing to back it up. These are people who range from accounts with fake followers – to absolutely no long-term website presence – to now having to compete with AI for traffic numbers. But, with all the fast changes in the industry, I believe that true one-on-one experiences are still the best in the tourism space and cannot be manufactured. Of course, these individuals are not everyone, as there are amazing creators in the space of travel & tourism, and I also have a belief that there are many who have talent but have no idea where to begin or how to communicate.

So, I have decided instead of fighting the battle or simply just being angry about it, that I would help. I will share my travel experiences- not just the locations, but the “How To” with those who want to hear and learn. Learning is a lifelong journey, and I am always gathering and processing new information. It makes me sad how many friends I have made in tourism positions who, as I said, are frankly fed up with individuals who are giving Travel Writers, Content Creators, and Influencers a bad name.  So, if you’re willing to learn, I am going to start sprinkling in the “How To” for those of you out there having trouble connecting in the tourism space into episodes of the My Town Travels Podcast, equipping you with practical knowledge to navigate the industry more effectively.

So, where to begin? The travelpreneur side of My Town is always asked the big broad question: “How do you do what you do?” And the broad answer is always… “with a lot of work.” Like any profession, there is a lot of behind-the-scenes real work that goes into the end product. With Travel & Tourism, I would venture to say that 80% of what goes into the finished product is on the back end. Content Gathering, Content Creation/Writing, Editing, Website and Social Presence and Maintenance, and Coordinating Visits with Destinations all go into making a simple post where the end user gets to see the pretty pictures, captions, and stories.  So, whether you’re new to how this works and want to learn, you’re in the industry and want to hear a refresher, or you’re just genuinely curious, we invite you to listen in as we start this conversation, making sure everyone feels included and part of the journey!

In addition, you will hear:

 *Background on Host, Kristy Burns

* How To set your Purpose & Intention Regarding *Becoming a Travelpreneur

 *Intro to Engagement, Mission & Vision

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